The Norwich BioScience Institutes (NBI) together with other organisations on the Norwich Research Park (NRP) offer a wide range of scientific facilities and services including :

Human Nutrition UnitDNA sequencing, mutation detection and genome technologiesMetabolomics; ProteomicsGlasshouse and Field Trials FacilitiesInsectaryPlant Genetic ResourcesCrop Transformation; Germplasm Resources Unit, Historical Collection of Rare Botanical BooksChemical Imagingeduroam

These facilities are all available to academic researchers on the NRP and almost all can be accessed by academic and industry scientists from outside Norwich.

The NBI Partnership (NBIP) provides non-scientific services to Quadram Institute Bioscience (QIB), the John Innes Centre (JIC), Earlham Institute (EI) and The Sainsbury Laboratory (TSL). All these organisations carry out scientific research funded by the UK Government, European Union, Charitable and Industrial Sponsors. The Partnership employs around 160 staff to cater for the needs of approximately 1500 Research Staff, Students and Visiting workers who are all located in close proximity on the Norwich Research Park.  The NBI Partnership is made up of :

Core Computing; Facilities; FinanceHuman Resources; Library, Research ComputingResearch Grants & ContractsRisk Management