Once you have completed troubleshooting, please close (disconnect) your VPN client and relaunch it. |
Error Codes:
User name or password incorrect
- Your username must be the short form used to login to resources on site, not your email address, e.g. bloggsj.
- Your password is the same that you use to login to resources on site.
Note: Acceptable username formats are “bloggsj” or “bloggsj@nbi.ac.uk” only.
Tokencode entered was incorrect
- If you are setup to use two factor authentication for more than one service e.g. your NBI email, please make sure the tokencode entered is from the token labelled “NBI VPN” in your app.
- The tokencode must be entered without any spaces.
Device failed to meet minimum security requirements.
This error occurs when the VPN client is either unable to find a valid Antivirus software running on the machine or the local firewall settings have been disabled.
To resolve this issue:
Windows / OSX:
- (For Windows only) Open Security centre, ensure there are no issues being reported. If your device is put to sleep regularly, then a reboot should resolve this issue.
- Please ensure you have an antivirus installed on your machine and that it is up to date. For your personal device, the following maybe an option: https://www.avast.com/en-gb/free-antivirus-download
- If you regularly put your device to sleep (close lid) regularly, please restart your device and try again. This is a known scenario where the VPN client is unable to detect components.
Note: Please check compatability and your requirements before you choose a product.
For your institute device please contact computing.helpdesk@nbi.ac.uk who can assist with installing the supported, licensed version of Antivirus.