In the event that you need to raise an incident about a domain name where Norwich BioScience Institutes Partnership is the registrar please use the contact details below :

NBIP Computing Service Helpdesk


Phone (direct) +44 (1603) 450995

Phone (reception) +44 (1603) 450888 (Ask for extension 3000)

Norwich BioScience Institutes Partnership
Norwich Research Park

Service points

By using the domain name services at NBIP for domain name registration the following applies:

  • As a Nominet Registrar (Tag Name: JOHNINNES), all of the UK-based domain name registrations we are able to provide bind our customers directly to Nominet’s terms and conditions of domain name registration..
  • If you have any problems relating to abuse please email
  • We (NBIP Computing Services) will respond within 5 working days to being contacted about a problem.
  • Any complaints will be acknowledged via email or phone by close of work the next working day.
  • If you have problems or complaints to make about our service relating to domain names please email or call +44 (1603) 450995.
  • If you feel the problem has not been dealt with sufficiently and would like escalate the issue then please call +44 (1603) 450995 and explain the issue or problem.

Key terms:

  • When an individual requests the purchase of a domain name, the costs will be provided before proceeding with the purchase.
  • Most domains will be purchased with a 5 year initial registration.
  • When the domain name is due for renewal, the original requesting individual will be notified with a renewal costing at least 1 month in advance of the domain name expiring.
  • Every effort will be made to contact the initial registration individual or individuals related to the project or organisation but if no response is received then the domain name will be allowed to expire.
  • Should an individual require transfer of a domain name to another organisation they will be responsible for the cost.